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St Peter's Allenstown Religious Culture

Religious Culture

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St Peter’s School Religious character is embedded in the traditions of Nano Nagle who was the Foundress of the Presentation Sisters. Nano Nagle knew that without education, no permanent change in society could occur. Inspired and led by the Spirit, Nano Nagle pioneered a courageous ministry to the poor and downtrodden and, in so doing challenged the authorities of the day. Nano Nagle lived out Christ’s prophetic words:   


 ‘The Spirit of the Lord has been given to me, for he has anointed me. He has sent me to bring the good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives and to the blind new sight, to set the downtrodden free, to proclaim the Lord’s year of favour (Luke 4: 18-19,21)'

St Peter’s School motto ‘Called to Serve’ encompasses the tradition of Nano – who was courageous enough to dream dreams, and determined enough to work for their realisation - and St Peter’s School community is courageous to be of service to all. As Nano took down her lantern and went out into the night, St Peter’s School endeavours to: ‘let its light shine’ by creating and recreating a culture through identifying, articulating and experiencing a trusting relationship with God, as a social reality which is identified as a social reality within the school’s contemporary experience. Whilst creativity and efficiently meeting the challenges of future needs, the community continues to pursue efforts to move beyond its own physical boundaries and into the wider learning environments; and to create in its students a strong sense of self and proactive commitment to the gospel values particularly in relation to social justice, peace and equity.   These Gospel values are embedded in the traditions of Nano Nagle who had a strong sense of social justice and strove to work for justice by living justly and promoting right relationships.


St Peter’s mission is to continue to enrich its heritage by:


  • being a faith community

  • witnessing to the values of Christ

  • respecting each person

  • working in partnership

  • nurturing love and learning for the good of the whole community (summarized Mission Statement)  

This mission is challenging as St Peter’s endeavours to develop students who ‘are responsible and inner directed, capable of choosing freely in conformity with their conscience’ (The Catholic School Section 31). To engage in this mandate involves risk and uncertainty, but provides the potential for a breakthrough to a new kind of excellence and to continue to ‘Go one Pace beyond’ (One Pace Beyond – Sr Raphael Considene)  


St Peters is endeavouring to live this challenging mandate by:

  • recognising the joy in life and acknowledging the worth of individuals

  • welcoming, accepting and supporting all

  • expressing Christian beliefs and values 

  • using traditional and contemporary symbols to promote Christian values

  • engaging in contemporary approaches to living out the message of Jesus Christ

  • being in right relationships 

  • being proud of its Catholicity

  • celebrating together

  • care and compassion to those in need

  • being a worshipping community

  • genuinely caring in each child’s spiritual, social, emotional, physical and academic development 

  • living the school motto ‘called to serve’


Nano Nagle’s example of choosing to be daring in the face of anxiety, and remain open to the power and urging of the Spirit will continue to inspire the St Peter’s community to ‘act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with their God’ and as a community of believers continue to seek, find, do, change, believe, reflect, enrich, and celebrate as it journeys together with Christ as its guide.

Prayer and Worship

To experience a personal relationship with God, the children are given the opportunity to participate in and experience daily prayer. Class prayer fosters a oneness in the group and enables the children to see beyond themselves to establish a relationship with others and with God. This prayer is offered through silent meditation and classroom prayer each day.


A prayerful assembly is presented by individual classes each Friday. Parents are welcome to attend these Prayer Assemblies. These enable us to experience an intimate community of life and love based on a sharing of and witness to our faith.


Youth Masses are conducted usually on the first Sunday of the month and will be advertised in the school newsletter. These masses enable our children to participate in the mass through various ministries. Each Sunday (in term time), children are invited to attend a children's Liturgy of The Word.


At least once a term at 9:00am on a Wednesday we celebrate a School Mass. Parents are encouraged and welcome to attend these masses.

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170 Upper Dawson Road, Allenstown
QLD 4700



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